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Words of Life: In Times Like These – June 11th 2014

Words of Life: In Times Like These – June 11th 2014

Dear Saints,

I am deeply saddened by the shootings that occurred in Reynolds High School this week.  We have seen this happen over and over again throughout our country in schools and public areas.  We ask the question,  “why?”  Many of us know part of the answer and we turn to God in times like these.  We know that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the Light of the world and we are living in darkness; the darkness of violence, the darkness of hopelessness.  Jesus is the Light in this dark time we are living.  He stands for truth and justice.  He cares about the pain that exists in the hearts of many around the world.  Jesus has put his love in the hearts and minds of many believers.  We are his little lights that should shine into the darkness of people’s hearts.  Let it shine.  Let your light shine as we bring hope and love to those who are suffering.

Let it shine!
Pastor David Greenidge

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