Words of Life: True Form of Love – July 30th 2014
Dear Friends,
Dionne Warwick made a song popular years ago called, “What the World Needs Now is Love, Sweet Love.† At that time everyone was talking about love.  Over time, it evolved into free love; it was an uninhibited love that was the talk of the day.  People defined love by their sensuality; but soon people realized that love came with a price.  Love comes with responsibility.  Love is not just a feeling, it is based on something substantial.  Love in its true form transcends who we are and comes from the divine.  Love comes from God and we have received His love in Jesus Christ.  Accept the love of God in Christ and it will transform your life and make you a better person.  It will enable you to love other people, not based on what they do for you, but how you can serve and do for others.
Keep love alive,
Pastor David Greenidge
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