The Fruit of the Spirit
Dear Friends,
There is a fascinating subject that is covered in the Bible called the fruit of the Spirit. What does it mean to be a fruit-bearing Christian? An apple tree is judged to be a good tree by what we see at the end of its growth cycle, when it bears fruit. When the apple appears, we eat it and declare that it tastes good. This is one sign of a healthy tree. Christians should be producing certain qualities that we call fruit, that bring joy to everyone we come in contact with. This is what it means to be a fruit-bearing Christian. I invite you to be at Tigard Covenant Church on Sunday, September 14 at 10:00am to hear more on this subject. The consequences for not being a fruit-bearing Christian could be dire for many of you. The rewards for being a fruit-bearing Christian are plentiful and life-enhancing. Let’s discover this subject together. I love hearing from you after sharing these Words of Life or my sermons. Please send me your thoughts at If you can’t make to church, check our website and click on videos for past sermons. May you be blessed as you walk in the Spirit.
God bless,
 Pastor David Greenidge
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