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Words of Life: Experience a Change – March 4th 2015

Words of Life for this week are:   Experience a Change

We have moved into the third week of Lent. Lent is the season where we proclaim, remember, and respond in gratitude and faith to Christ’s atoning death. This season includes forty days before Easter Sunday. During these forty days let’s intensify our focus on what Christ did for us on the cross. His atoning death means God has restored a relationship of harmony and unity between humans and Himself because of the death of his Son. In essence, we are “at one” with God. We have a close relationship and it is precious and secure. The best example of this is what happened in my own life. I gave my heart to the Lord when I was twelve years old. I was an anger-filled kid who was raised on the tough streets of New York City, in the South Bronx. I saw violence and it was an environment where only the strong survive. In the middle of that situation, I knew I needed something more. I needed something to help me deal with my anger over injustice. I needed something more to help me deal with the hatred I had for other people I didn’t like. The day I made my profession of faith in Jesus and soon after was baptized, I felt so different. It was if a weight was lifted from my emotional psyche. I felt at one with God. I was empowered to start loving other people and the hatred and anger started to go away.

Get closer to God in this season of Lent and experience a change of heart, which comes from an encounter with Jesus Christ

Pastor David Greenidge