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Words of Life: Fishers of Men – July 22nd 2015

Words of Life for this week are:
Fishers of Men

We at Tigard Covenant Church have just finished our big summer outreaches into the community called July Jam and Vacation Bible Camp. Many of you came out in the hot sun on Saturday, July 18th, and many of you were at the church all week faithfully serving children and adults, sharing the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our theme was Journey into the Map. The Bible is our map for living. The Bible has answers for many of our questions. It is in God’s Word that we have a deeper understanding on how we can love others and become better people. This week of summer is a highlight for me, because it causes us, as a community of faith, to assemble and go out into the streets, and our world, with an approach toward “others.” It doesn’t last for just one week, but it heightens our awareness for the stranger; it reminds us people are homeless, and we see with a new set of spiritual lenses that focus on people who are suffering and hurting. For the remainder of the summer, let’s continue to invite and bring people to church. Let’s go into places we normally don’t go with an eye for caring and showing love.

Good fishing,
Pastor David Greenidge