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Words of Life: Live Another Day! March 10th 2016

Words of Life for this week are:
Live Another Day!

The quality of our lives can be hampered by the stuff of life. Things happen that can cause a setback. But with God, we are able  to make a comeback. All of us fall down at one time or another. We all make mistakes. We all do something wrong. But we can always live another day by realizing our common failures are opportunities to get up and live another day with some hope. This hope comes directly from the heart of God. His heart is filled with love and compassion. Only He can lift us up to help us to live another day. In your hour of despair, please call on the name of Jesus and He will help you live another day. We have times during the week at Tigard Covenant Church (and there are other good churches in town) to work out our failures with other people who care for us. Join us on Sunday mornings for Worship at 10:00am and Tuesday evenings at 6:00pm for a free dinner, prayer and small group time. You will be blessed

In Christ,
Pastor David Greenidge