Words of Life for this week are:
The Entrance of the King
Jesus did something out of the ordinary over 2000 years ago on the road to Jerusalem. He entered the city as the King of Israel on a donkey. He didn’t come on a big white horse. He didn’t enter in a big and beautiful chariot. He didn’t come with a large amount of soldiers or angels. He came into town as King, riding on a donkey. He picked a lowly animal to make His great entrance on. Why would a King do such a thing when He was the most powerful and greatest King of all time? He did this because He wanted to identify with all the people in the world, not just the rich and famous. He wants to get your attention this very minute. Jesus cares for everyone. He is the King who loves all people everywhere, for all time. He cared enough to come from Heaven and get off His horse, give us all a wonderful word to lead us to God. Jesus said I am the good shepherd, the light of the world who loves everyone. He cared enough to get down from His horse and get on the cross and die for you and me. Oh what a King! He is worth giving my life to Him.
In Christ,
Pastor David Greenidge