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Words of Life: It’s a New Season – May 18th 2016

Words of Life for this week are: It’s a New Season

Since we are getting ready to enter the summer season, with the wonderful weather and blue skies, we should also shift our emotions and attitudes toward God and what He wants us to do. God is calling on people from around the world to listen to His message of love and forgiveness. Yes, we can be loved and forgiven. All of us have done something wrong and need to be forgiven. We all mess up and need to make things right. The first person we need ask forgiveness of is God. God is love and is giving all of us His message of love on a daily basis. Receive His love right now and ask Him to forgive you for what you have done. In addition, ask the person you have offended for their forgiveness. Tell them you are sorry and that you will not behave in that way again. You can make this change with the help of God. This new season starts with the admission that you have failed and need the help of God and others. Yes, it’s a new season of love and forgiveness. When you experience this you will have “Love and Happiness.” Ask Mr. Al Green; he wrote a song about this.


May God bless you,
Pastor David Greenidge