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Words of Life: “The Calling” – March 16th 2017

Words of Life for this week are: â€œThe Calling”
There is part of a great Bible verse that says, “Whoever believes”. This is found in John 3:16. In this Bible verse, God makes an appeal to all of humanity. Anyone that believes in faith in his Son, Jesus, will have eternal life. This is basically an open invitation for everyone to consider his Son. We are all called into relationship with his Son. We all have the opportunity to go to heaven and live a purposeful life. I remember when I was 12 years old living in New York City in a poor neighborhood, that I saw and experienced some negative things. There were fights and name calling. We didn’t have a lot of material things that I saw many American families enjoy on TV. But one important thing we did have was love in our family. We lived in a home where the truth of God was taught and demonstrated. In this setting, I received my calling from God to come into relationship with him because of his Son. I responded to that calling and have been a changed person ever since. Rememberyour calling and continue in it. Receiveyour calling right now if you don’t have a relationship with him. Call me right now and I will be glad to introduce you to HIM.
503 639-3084

God bless you, Pastor David Greenidge