Growing in Christ
Each and every day of our lives we have an opportunity to either grow in Christ or live in the flesh. Many of you, who call yourselves believers in Jesus Christ, desire to grow in Him. It takes purpose each day to address your Savior and welcome him into all the parts of your day. This process should start with prayer and reading the word of God, the Bible. Whether you read or simply quote a scripture from memory, you open yourself up to the presence of God. You invite him to intersect your life with his grace. John 1:16 says, “From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.” When we pray and read the bible consistently, we receive the favor of God. It makes the quality of our day improve. It helps in our decision making. It will bless you in how you treat others, and this particularly applies to those that are closest to you. Take one day at a time and include Jesus at the start of it. Walk in his grace, and you will grow in grace each day.
Pastor David