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Words of Life: “God is Doing a New Thing! – April 4th 2019

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It seems that with each new generation of athletes, we witness new skills and feats as they perform in their particular sports . During one of the NCAA Final Four championship games where Michigan State was playing Duke University, one of the players did a spin around move to the hoop and scored the basket. It was an incredible move, and the crowd cheered enthusiastically. Like the unbelievable achievements of some athletes, my God is also doing new and amazing things. He specializes in coming to our rescue just when we need him most. My wife, Trish, and I have been praising God for protecting her in the car a few days ago. She went through an intersection and missed running into another car by a few feet. God is watching our every move and grants his grace to us when we require it. Just think, there have been more times that God has kept us safe than times when He allowed something unfortunate to happen. There are times we don’t even realize he’s protecting us. God is so good. Remember, He is consistently doing something new for YOU. Consequently, his moves are much more important and exciting than that of the best athletes. God’s feats are worthy of our enthusiastic cheers (praise).

Pastor David Greenidge