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Words of Life: Jesus is the King of Kings – April 11th 2019

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Words of Life:

Jesus is the King of Kings

On Palm Sunday many years ago, Jesus rode into Jerusalem as a King. He was hailed and worshipped by crowds of people. They recognized him as a special man sent from God. He performed many miracles and healed many people. Jesus was far above any earthly King in power and might. His Kingdom was not of this world. There were angels that ministered to him. His Father was the Almighty God who created heaven and earth. He raised the dead, healed the sick and walked on water. He calmed the raging storms and healed human hearts with his words. He was the King of all Kings. His authority was supreme. He is the Savior of the world. He is not just a King who sits removed from the struggles of any group of people. He rules with compassion and has provided a remedy for all human pain and suffering. Jesus has made a way for everyone to be with him in heaven and to have a relationship with him now on earth. He is the King above all Kings. Let’s celebrate the King this Palm Sunday!

Pastor David Greenidge