Be a Generous Person
We have a weekly bible study and prayer time each Tuesday at Tigard Covenant Church. We have a good time of sharing testimonies, scriptures, and then we engage in prayer. This past Tuesday as I was sharing, I reflected on the people I have known over the years who are generous in their giving to others and Kingdom work. I have seen such joy in their hearts. They seem to be content and not overcome as much with the problems of life. I believe the posture of being a generous person is what we all need to consider in these times. God’s blessing will be on your life when you give freely to the work of God and to the needs of other people as the Holy Spirit leads you. Jesus himself said that you will be blessed, when you give generously (Luke 6:38). I encourage all of you to plan to give this next month, and then give with a joyful heart and experience the blessing of God in your life.
Pastor David