Be Filled with Spirit
Ephesians 5:18 says, ” Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.” During these times of social separation, we need to get closer to God by allowing his Holy Spirit to fill us. We should ask the Holy Spirit to fill us with his presence every day. The choice is clear. We can be filled with the Spirit or we can get filled with other things like alcohol or other substances. When we allow the Holy Spirit to fill us, we start praising God, and even start to sing songs. Sometimes the Holy Spirit will lead us in singing new songs that honor him. There are good things that start to come from our lives when we are filled with the Holy Spirit. One of the essential outcomes of being filled with the Holy Spirit, is to have love one for another. Love is the key virtue that identifies us as being true believers in Jesus Christ. Make the choice to be filled with his Spirit and walk in Love!
Pastor David