We are hosting the Tuesday Night Pray And Bible Study Meeting through ZOOM
What is ZOOM?
Zoom is a Video Conference Program for PC/Mac/iPhone/Android
You are not require to have an Account on Zoom to join this meeting
And While you are not required to have a webcam to join a Zoom Meeting or Webinar, note, that you will not be able to transmit video of yourself.
You will continue to be able to listen and speak during the meeting, share your screen, and view the webcam video of other participants.
If you already have Zoom installed the link below will start your APP and load the Meeting Session.
If you do not have the Program loaded,
Clicking on this link below will download and install the appropriate program.
Tuesday Night Pray And Bible Study Meeting Link
It will look like this, please ignore the date however.

We hope you can make it.
Have a Blessed week.
Pastor David Greenidge
Deborah Greenidge
Alvin Beal