Dear Tigard church family,
On Sunday, October 3, we will have a short meeting immediately after service. There will only be two agenda items, the congregational vote to install Hayley Holton as our new youth leader, and information about the rental of our building to another church. Since the meeting is directly after service, members who are viewing the service via Facebook will be able to participate.
We would also like to inform you that starting immediately, there are more ‘Fund’ categories in PushPay that will allow you to be more specific about where you want your funds to go. Since PushPay doesn’t allow you to write in what you want for ‘OTHER,’ the new categories will help and are as follows:
Building/Equipment: For church building/equipment purchase/upkeep
Current Special Offering: for donations requested for special offerings, events, activities
On the photo below, please note the FUND category of Other. If you click on the little arrow to the right, the other categories will appear. Click on the one you want. We will update the Fund list in the future as needed. If you have any questions about the PushPay Fund categories, please direct them to
Artelia Rogers at rteliarogers @
Thank you,
Pastor David