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Words of Life: What does Freedom mean to You? – Sept. 29th 2021

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Words of Life

What does Freedom mean to You?

In the beginning history of the United States, people came from England to America to escape the policies of Great Brittan. People wanted religious freedom. People did not want taxation without representation. When we think of our personal freedoms in this country, we want to be able to make a living, go places, and enjoy the environment without interference from the government. We all have rights based on the constitution that enable us to do these things. In the body of Christ, we have agreed to surrender our rights to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Some don’t realize what we have signed up for, when we give our hearts to the Lord. Galatians 2:20 says, ” I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” This verse of scripture makes it clear that we must surrender our agenda to Christ. We live for him. We don’t cling to our rights, but we yield to the will of the Holy Spirit. Freedom for me, means that I am free to serve the Lord. I am free from the tyranny of the devil, to fully serve God in my life. As a result of this truth, my freedom is tied into doing the will of God. This gives me true peace and happiness.

Pastor David