“Seek the Lord and Let go of sin”
I remember a story of a little boy who got his hand stuck in a cookie jar and he asked his mom for help. He said, “Mom, my hand is stuck, and I can’t get it out of this cookie jar”. The mother replied to her son, “You have to let go of the cookie in your hand and you will get it out” As soon as the son let go of the cookie, he was able to get his hand out. This story is a picture of how we live our lives before God. The bible says that all of us have sin and the issue is not whether we sin, but it is when we sin, what do we do? The answer is to let go of our sin by repenting before God. This means we must turn away from our sin. We should ask God to forgive us of our sin and to make a sincere effort to turn towards the Lord. This means we seek him. We draw closer to him and have a desire to please him more than continuing in our sin. When I have sinned in the past, I have felt so bad about my sin. I truly love God more than my sin and so I ask him to forgive me of my sin and then I ask him to fill me with his Holy Spirit to keep from that sin. Another good practice to avoid sin, is to have another person in your life that you can confide in and confess your sin. Ask that person to pray for you and check in with you. This is what I call voluntary communication with another person, to keep you on the path of holy living. Don’t hide from others in your sin but seek out another person and walk in freedom. God bless you as you seek the Lord today and in the season of Advent.
Pastor David