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Words of Life: The wonder of breaking bread – March 4th 2022

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The wonder of breaking bread

Over the years, I have had the blessing of eating at fine restuarants and eating some down-home food with family and friends. One of the things I have noticed when I have a good meal with friends or family, is that people seem to be in a good mood. The conversation seems to sometimes go deeper. An example of this is going to a wedding. I very rarely seen people argue or be out of touch with each other at weddings. One of the key ingredients in addition to the making of vows, is the great meal that is served. People laugh, dance, and have a good time. The meal brings people together. People open up their hearts for good and healthy conversations. When the pandemic hit the world scene, many people were longing for ways to connect. The pandemic separated people from one another. Now that things are getting better, people are once again coming together and connecting more with each other. There are many examples in scripture where Jesus broke bread with his close friends. Jesus maintained his friendships with coming together at a meal. We should follow his example. When we do start to have more times of socializing with family and friends, allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in good conversations that honor God. Let’s break out the good food and invite someone over for a good meal.

God bless you,

Pastor David