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Words of Life: “Your Story” March 19 2022

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God has made each of us in a unique way. Every person is created with individual characteristics that are specific to their own identity. God made us all different, yet we do have some common qualities as human beings. Since we are unique, it is very important to remember that our own story matters. No one can tell your story the way you can. Each of us has a voice that needs to be heard. Sometimes life throws curve balls at us that might diminish or even silence our stories. Nevertheless, we must speak out with the power of the Holy Spirit as our guide. God intended for us to intertwine our story with His Story, the gospel. We must tell others about Jesus Christ. This is the mandate of the Great Commission. When we realize that we have been redeemed by God to be a blessing to other people, telling our stories is how we respond to that mandate and live our God ordained purpose.  Let’s look for opportunities this next week to tell our stories when the right time develops. You will be amazed at how God can use your story to be a blessing to someone else.

God bless you,

Pastor David Greenidge