Women in Ministry”
Women have a special place to serve in the body of Christ. In Christ’s church, we have women pastors, teachers, evangelists, prophets, and leaders. The Bible gives us good information and direction about this subject, and I will be teaching on this topic at Tigard Covenant church on October 14, at 10am. One of the great women leaders in the Church of Christ that I truly admire is Dr. Virginia Phillips. She had the opportunity to address the United in Love Gathering in Salem, Oregon several weeks ago and shared some very inspiring words. One of the powerful things she said was, “If you believe what God says and wait for it, He will do it.” God tells us what to do in His Word, but our lack of patience often prevents us from waiting for what He’s revealed. Her statement is a reminder for all of us. She also said, “Use your words carefully. Use them to glorify God.” What a wonderful reminder to allow the Holy Spirit to filter everything we say by asking ourselves if what we are about to share will glorify God. She stated, “Whoever you are inside will come out. Allow God to pour his love into your heart.” It is very important for us to spend time with the Lord in the morning or in the evening. God will influence us to live holy lives. Virginia’s final comment that grabbed my heart was, “God doesn’t want anyone to perish.” This lines up with John 3:16, and is why at the conclusion of worship service each Sunday I say, “Let’s go fishing.”
Good Fishing this week, and thank you Dr. Phillips for your wonderful ministry that blesses me and many others around the world.
Pastor David